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12 June 2020

4 Common Running Mistakes Straight From The Pros


Are these common running blunders holding you back?

Perhaps your injury niggles are haunting you, or maybe your personal best continues to elude you? 4 SunGod Ambassadors and full-time runners share with us the mistakes you're probably making and how to fix them, so that you can get your running back on track…

1. Forgetting the fuel– Kirra Balmanno

With a decade of racing ultras and running all over the world’s mountain ranges, Kirra Balmanno has made her fair share of running-related achievements, and just as many mistakes…

“Endurance sports ask a lot from our bodies. To achieve big things, it pays dividends to ensure that we do everything we can to give them the nutrition they need, from when we eat what to what we consume during training and racing. Steer clear of trends and opt for scientifically backed research and have a play with what works for you. If you’re unsure, chat to a sports dietitian.”

Follow Kirra’s adventures: @kirrabalmanno

2. Trying to get faster every session – Marcus Brown

Having successfully completed over 20 marathons, we’re not sure anyone has it sussed more than Marcus. But what’s the biggest mistake he made when he was starting out?

"A rookie mistake that I made at the start of my running journey was to run every session at the same pace which ultimately led to fatigue, increased risk of injury and needing to rest more. I’ve subsequently learned that the secret to running faster is running at varying speeds during training. My general principle is that I run 80% of my runs a very easy pace and I save 20% for the workouts and tempo runs.”

Follow Marcus’ marathon journey: @themarathonmarcus

3. Losing sight of the 'why' – Laura Murray

Lawyer and marathon runner, Laura Murray ran a 5k charity run in 2008 and hasn’t looked back since. Having now completed several marathons, Laura owes her success as a runner to her ability to switch off and simply, 'enjoy'...

“While there is nothing wrong with having goals, you've got to be careful that you don't let your progress towards a goal consume you and stress you out. Keeping in mind why you started running is important, and just being able to enjoy running too. I sometimes get so much more from a run where I've explored, taken it easy and just enjoyed the fact that I can put one foot in front of the other. Taking your watch off for a session or two can really help with this!”

Discover more training tips from Laura: @murraylaura

4. Ignoring strength work - Max Willcocks

Ultra runner and nutritionist, Max Willcocks can normally be found blazing trails in exotic lands. He shares his number one tip for being successful and injury-free in running…

“Strength work can really be the secret to getting the most out of your running as well as helping to keep you injury free. Body weight exercises can usually be enough as long as they are done regularly and performed with a good range of motion. Find some good compound movements that you are happy performing and make a routine out of it. If you’re finding it hard to motivate yourself, find some strength classes at a gym in your area.”

Follow Max’s adventures: @maxwilko

The pros have made the mistakes so that you don’t have to… So what are you waiting for? Lace up your trainers and make the next session your best yet! Looking to take your fitness to the next level this summer?

Check out these 5 summer fitness hacks.