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Introducing Our NEW Recycled Microfibres...

10 June 2020

Introducing Our NEW Recycled Microfibres.

Product Guides

Made from 100% recycled plastic bottles and Included with every pair of SunGods. Part of our ongoing effort to reduce our collective impact on the planet.

What is Recycled PET?

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) is a fabric that has been developed using clear plastic water bottles as the raw material. We are excited to be using rPET to create our new Microfibres as we continue to reduce our impact on our world's resources.

Why is Recycled PET so important?

The current worldwide demand for textile fibres at over 100 million tonnes per year and synthetic fibres account for 50% of this consumption. Currently the most popular alternative to synthetic fibres is cotton and although it is more biodegradable than other synthetic fibres, cotton production requires a very intensive and unsustainable use of the world's resources . In comparison, the production of rPET fabric has a 50% lower carbon footprint than organic cotton.

It reduces water consumption.

1kg of cotton requires an average of 20,000 litres of water to cultivate. Contrary to this, rPET production requires significantly less water and 86% less than regular polyester.

Multiple environmental benefits.

The production of only 1kg of rPET can keep over 60 plastic bottles out of the environment. This means that using rPET for our microfibres will not only help to reduce the amount of plastic in landfill and oceans, but it will also help to conserve natural resources. What's more, rPET production does not rely on the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides unlike cotton production.

And we're not done here...

We consider this to be an ongoing effort to continually reduce our collective impact and we will never stop trying to improve. Learn more about sustainability at SunGod.